Making the adding  of mains power to your campervan easy

Camping Power

CampingPower offer a range of kits to install mains power in your camper van, that require no or very little wiring by the user, by using a range of very easy to fit range of RCD / MCB and RCBO protected consumer units, that come pre wired and connect to your campervans mains outlet power sockets by way of quick fit power connecter.

We also offer a range of compact consumer units, that only take up a fraction of the size of many other consumer units, by making use of RCBO technology that does away with the need of requiring separate RCD's and MCB's, with a RCBO doing the job of both in one compact module, taking up less valuable space in your van.       

  • You Can purchase our range of easy fit Campervan Power kits from our Ebay store

  • We will also be selling a range of accessories to go with our easy fit CamperVan power kits, directly from our new website and our own online  shop, so check back soon.     

  • Fitting service      

  • We are now able to offer a fitting service by our qualified auto electrician, this can be done at our base in Hampshire, or moble around Hampshire, Surrey, and Berkshire.                                               

PAT Testing

Portable appliance testing (PAT) is the term used to describe the examination of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use. Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination but some types of defect can only be found by testing.

CampingPower are authorized to safety check and carry out PAT testing all types of electrical camping equipment, and PAT test all hook up cables supplied, before despatching. 

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